Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Hi Family & Freinds, today 27th. Sept. 06.. starting this blog, so that it helps us to comunicate our opinions & sites of interesting places we visit to put on this blog to share, same way our good music's views and recomendations...

Since I have come back from India, Ayurveda has been my only topic of talk with freinds and family as the results are fantastic, as you all know before, since last 4 years nearly, I have been on on 7 pills a day, then there is my brother Chandru, who made me meet an Ayurvedic doctor called Dr. Mehta at Vile Parle & Kandivili , where I started my treatment, Dr. felt my pulse what is called the reading of the "NADIS". after this he recomended me to start having one doze of medicines, and do the "NADI PUNCH" which consisted in sitting first in "VAJRA ASANA" doing consious breathing, that is closing one

nostril & breathing from the other one, later on my stomach still in vajra aasana he lifts each of your leg doing the traction which at first really hurts, but

after a couple of days your body gets used to it & then one dosen't feel the pain..

Later after a month I did my blood & sugar test next to our house in Khar where the result was excellent without taking any Alopethic medicines, my

cholesterol, triglicyrides and sugar were perfect... all this just changing my diet to vegetarian not eating breakfast, and nothing between meals.. &

leaving tea for allways..

Shall keep testing blood & sugar next month again.. & lets see if the result is good to keep up with this diet.. I forgot to mention above that one has also

to give up alcohol except red wine, once in a while a glass or two with meals.. also that one can have a glass of fresh milk incase of hunger in the start

also green tea without making it a habbit..

So family & freinds when ever you can, start reading about ayurveda to increase your knoledge.. and share, below some interesting sites, also try to

download the movie called "AYURVEDA" or buy one very usefull,
Ayurvedic Foundations Web Site


Blogger Sacha's said...

another interesting sites..

4:03 AM  

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